Working for, shilling for Trump is a filthy task. I have no sympathy and even less respect for any of them.

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I understand where you’re coming from. I’m sure when this is all over, the GOP will say they were forced to go along with it. However, there’s no excuse for abandoning their own morality.

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"Invasion Of The Body Snatchers 2024"- the real identity of the GOPs has been stolen by Trump.

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Good point. I’m thinking it’s money and power but mostly fear.

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Graham is a closeted gay Republican who will seemingly do or say anything to keep his not-so-secret "secret" and stay in the good graces of a party that would NEVER be so loyal to him. I will never understand why people vote, in Graham's case, advocate and represent, against their own self-interest.

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I don’t even know how they sleep at night, honestly.

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