May 25Liked by Glenna Gill

Hello Glenna,

I hear you. Listening to someone without interrupting, comparing notes, is an act of love very few of display. Sitting there and just LISTENING to someone is truly something all of us, including me could do so much better. I've learned that the older I've gotten. Tom was the first to challenge me in this area of my life.

Very emotional letter for me to read!! Thank you for challenging all of us to improve in that area and all the other ones. thought provoking as usual.

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Thank you so much, William. I once had a mother-in-law who would come over and sit with me in the mornings when I had depression. She would pat my back while I sat there and cried, and she stayed until I felt better. We didn't have to say a word. I was so grateful for her then, and I still am.

I'm trying to be better about listening, too. I understand how important it is as human beings, and I don't want to hear somebody's story and jump in with one of my own. My intention was to relate to people, but really it takes the focus off the other pearson. I'm glad I know that now.

I appreciate you reading my stories. Looking back, I have been so angry for the past few months around this big move we just had. I left a cozy house that I loved and went to a house I hated. Now, I'm trying to actively look for things to be happy about. They are always there if I really look.

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This is so beautiful and tender, and I want all of those things for you.

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Thank you, sweetheart. Maybe someday?

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