Sending you mountains of hugs Glenna. I'm so happy God blessed with a beautiful husband and family. Its through your experience with pain of rejection that you have grown to know how to be a lot bing wife and mother. Love is precious to you. Bless you 🤗💖✨🙏

BTW if you noticed I subscribed to you this morning - It’s because I am re-subscribing to you. For some reason I mysteriously lost a lot of my subscriptions.

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Oh Charlotte, thank you so much. That means a lot to me coming from you. I appreciate it when I can find the gratitude from all those years. Another thought is that maybe the stork dropped me at the wrong house when I was born. ;)

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Some human beings are so very limited that their brokenness is a chronic source of abuse to vulnerable people.

And those of us who suffer their brokenness , are able to heal in spite of and because of our vulnerability. Because we can still feel and offer love.

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That was so beautiful, Patricia. Sometimes we are stronger than people give us credit for and sometimes more than we give ourselves. Thanks for reading.

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Thank you . I appreciate it .

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